the only things redeeming this movie are 1) chopper's cow outfit 2) aokiji fanservice 3) admiral & old people trio marine rookie pics. "ohhh the marines suck and the pirates suck so im going to kill EVERYBODY!!!" despite the fact that 90% of your victims will be innocent civilians. aside from the fact that the plot was a mess and it was literally just a series of loosely connected events until the climax and also sanji's worst scene ever in anything of all time, zephyr couldve been an actually interesting and compelling villain but his backstory SUCKED and like ok boo hoo youve decided to say the marines suck not because of any the atrocities theyve committed or lives theyve ruined you only quit when it started having a bad impact on you specifically. anybody who tells you this one is a good movie is ALSO a dirty dirty liar.